David Hales: New Trends in American Academic Libraries




  目:New Trends in American Academic Libraries


主讲人:David Hales

          Professor of Library Science, Emeritus, University of Alaska Fairbanks

          Director of the Library, Westminster College





   间:2011415日(星期五) 15:00-16:30



David Hales教授简介:美国阿拉斯加州费尔班克斯大学、犹他州威斯特敏特斯学院教授。曾担任过阿拉斯加图书馆协会主席、犹他州图书馆协会主席、美国本土新闻协会主席、费尔班克斯家谱协会主席以及犹他州大学图书馆联盟主席。曾积极参与费尔班克斯大学和威斯特敏特斯学院的教学和课程的设置与发展,并且在费尔班克斯大学Rasmuson图书馆和威斯特敏特斯学院Giovale图书馆的规划和建设中发挥了重大作用。


In University of Alaska Fairbanks and Westminster College , he has worked as a librarian, a teacher, and an administrator. He has been actively engaged in helping students, faculty, and researchers conduct and publish their works. In both institutions he has been actively involved in teaching and curriculum change and development.

  Mr. Hales holds a B.S. degree from Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, a M.L.S. Degree from Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and a M.A. Degree  from the University of Pennsylvania. He is the co-author of a major book about the historical resources of Alaska and he has published extensively in library science and history journals.