美国印第安纳大学教授Ying Ding讲座: Data-Driven Science of Science


题目: Data-Driven Science of Science

报告人: Ying Ding, Ph.D., Professor

               Indiana University Bloomington, USA

时间: 201965 上午 9:00-11:00

地点: 必威·BETWAY A211


报告人简介:Dr. Ying Ding is a Professor at School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering and is currently associate director of data science online program at Indiana University. She has been involved in various NIH, NSF and European-Union funded projects. She has published 190+ papers in journals, conferences, and workshops, and served as the program committee member for 180+ international conferences. She is the co-editor in chief for Journal of Data and Information Science, and serves as the editorial board member for four ISI indexed journals in Information Science and Semantic Web. She is the co-founder of Data2Discovery company advancing cutting edge technologies in data science. Her current research interests include data-driven knowledge discovery, Semantic Web, knowledge graph, scientific collaboration, and the application of Web Technology.

报告摘要:Data have fundamentally changed our daily lives. Data now can be bought and sold, and soon data analytics will become commodity as well. Data have significantly challenged every discipline to revisit its research roadmap to stay competitive. This talk will point out the paradigm shift of bibliometrics (or science of science in a broader way) and illustrate some potential interesting research directions that are data-driven. It will showcase some concrete researches on data-driven discovery and data-driven decision making.